Verified Non-GMO
On Thursday, July 14, 2016 The House of Representatives voted for the required labeling of foods containing genetically engineered ingredients. This was the last hurdle before the bill goes to the White House, where it is expected that President Obama will sign it into law.
If passed into law, the bill will require food manufacturers use one of three forms of labels to inform consumers if GMO (genetically engineered) ingredients are used in products. Growers of fruits and vegetables that are genetically engineered will also be required to provide GMO labeling.
“Today’s vote is a resounding victory not only for consumers and common sense but also for the tremendous coalition of agricultural and food organizations that came together in unprecedented fashion to get this solution passed,” said Pamela G. Bailey, chief executive of the Grocery Manufacturers Association.
For more information: G.M.O. Labeling Bill Clears First Hurdle in Senate
GMO Free Ingredients
If using GMO free ingredients is important to you, visit our site and request a free sample of our NON-GMO Panko products.
Certified GMO Free by BioChecked, our traditional Japanese Panko will be a great addition to your pantry. Our panko bread crumbs will give your menu items a light, crispy texture with a less oily taste and an extra appealing plate presentation.
Take the challenge and taste the difference!
Upper Crust Enterprises has been producing GMO Free Authentic Gourmet Panko bread crumbs for Japanese and other various restaurants all over the world for over three decades. What sets us apart from the rest is our traditional Japanese methods in blending, baking, elongated drying process, and grinding of our Authentic Japanese Panko bread crumbs. Resulting in a Panko with a light and airy sliver shape crumb. This will give your menu items a light, crispy texture with a less oily taste and an extra appealing plate presentation.