Authentic Japanese Panko Bread Crumbs
Not all Japanese Panko Bread Crumbs are created equal! Using Upper Crust Enterprises authentic Panko will make a noticeable difference in your final menu item.

Seasoned Panko Bread Crumbs
Our authentic Japanese Panko beautifully blended with spices and seasonings. Add a splash of flavor to your menu items with Italian Seasoned Panko or let us mix your own custom blend.

Authentic Tempura Batter Mix
Upper Crust Enterprises Authentic Japanese Tempura Batter Mix is a blend of quality flours, baking powder, and other quality ingredients to develop an extra crispy and lacy coating for your menu items.

Seasoned Batter Mix Blends
Our Authentic Tempura Batter Mix seasoned with spices and flavors to elevate your menu items. Flavor your dishes with an all purpose spice, seasoned fish batter, or let us mix your own custom blend.
Recipe Suggestions
VIEW ALL -- 29/04/2016in Blog, Tempura Batter Mix Recipe Suggestions
Tempura Fish Tacos!
It’s rumored the birth of the Tempura Fish Taco occurred sometime in the 1930’s. Japanese fishermen docked in the Ensenada region of Mexico had the ingenious idea to marry their tempura style of fish with the ingredients available to them in Mexico. This was beginning of something awesome – Tempura Fish Tacos!. Since then chefs... - 09/02/2016in Español, Recetas Sugeridas, Recipe Suggestions
Pollo Crujiente Parmesano
Rocie Upper Crust Auténtico Panko Japonés (código 01020) con aceite vegetal en espray. Con delicadeza agregue especies italianas y queso Parmesano; reserve. Espolvoree el pollo con Upper Crust Harina para Tempura (código 07230); pase por rebozo de Tempura preparado con agua y unas gotas de limon. Cubra con el Panko sazonado... - 09/02/2016in Español, Panko Recipe Suggestions, Recetas Sugeridas, Recipe Suggestions
Langosta con Relleno de Panko
Caliente la parrilla del horno a 400°F. Use langostas vivas, parta por la mitad a lo largo. Coloquelas en una hoja para hornear y dore por 5-6 minutos hasta que la carne este opaca. Sofrie cebolla, apio, pimenton verde y rojo, ajo y Upper Crust Autentico Panko (codigo 01020) en mantequilla por 3 minutos. Baje...